
Monday, November 29, 2010

RV Lifestyle : The Tiny House Revolution

A great many of my friends & family think I'm crazy for living in 270 square feet. But honestly I love it. Its a little cramped so we're upgrading to 399 square feet (an Open Range 399BHS) which I'll write about in upcoming articles.

But I'm pretty sure I'm ahead of the trend and I've written about this before. But today on Yahoo, I read this article on living in tiny houses and it is nice to get some affirmation. Now this article is NOT about RV's but you can't help but think about an RV.

If you read the article, you'll see a bias that trailer homes are low quality, and personally I think they are. The article discusses the higher quality used in "tiny houses", which happen to have wheels. One thing I'm amazed about is that most people don't realize that the RV is much higher quality than a trailer house - why - because it can't shake apart when it gets 50,000 or 100,000 miles on it.

Anyway, let me know what you think of the article!

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